As Catholics, we are privileged to have a rich sacramental life whereby we can receive sanctifying grace and experience the love of Jesus Christ in a special way. Sacraments are not a “thing” to be received, but a life changing event that draws us ever closer to Christ as we continue on our journey of faith.
Baptism is a sacrament of Initiation as one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church.
It is generally performed on infants but for various reasons can also be performed later in life. The parents chose a sponsor or god-parent. More than one god-parent may be chosen however at least one of these needs to be a practising Catholic, above the age of sixteen and who has received the sacrament of confirmation.
Should you wish your child to be baptised please contact the office:021 531 7049 to arrange an interview.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the Sacraments of healing and it is administered by the priest on Saturdays from 17:15 to 17:45pm, although Confession can also be heard at any other time if needed.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is administered to all the faithful during the liturgical celebrations. The First Holy Communion is administered to everyone who have been duly prepared to receive the Sacrament. On request the Holy Communion is taken to the homes of the faithful who are unable to come to the church due to illness or aging.
The children between these grades are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They are prepared for over a period of 2-3 years depending on their level of understanding. The Confirmation class is run by Denver Simpson and Ailsa Mambinge. Should you wish to send you child for confirmation classes, please contact the parish priest on 021 5315223.
We encourage and promote vocation to priesthood and Deaconate. Suitable candidates are chosen and trained by ADCT for Holy Orders. If you would like to become a priest or a deacon in the Catholic church, contact the parish priest or the Episcopal Vicar for Vocations at the Archdiocese of Cape Town whose Contact details to be found on the archdiocesan website.
We encourage those who wish to enter into the family life through the sacrament of Marriage. Those individuals who are requesting to be married are duly prepared. Parties proposing to enter marriage are to give at least six months’ notice of their intention to the priest. Prior to the celebration of the sacrament, the parties are to attend a course of marriage instruction. This may be presented by the pastoral minister who will assist at the marriage, or the couple may participate in an Engaged Encounter weekend, or a programme of instruction offered at deanery level. In order to prepare yourselves for marriage, please contact the parish priest at kingpine@mweb.co.za and on 021 531 5223.
The sacrament is also administered as often as the priest is called upon to anoint sick parishioners at their homes, at Aged Centres and Retirement Homes or in hospital. Should you wish to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, kindly contact the parish priest on 021 531 5223 or 021 531 7049