Child Safeguarding Policy
Our Parish Council has adopted the Child Safeguarding Policy and has begun the implementation of the policy in 2017 through ensuring that all those who are required to have the necessary clearance to minister in the parish have done so. This is an ongoing process and will be repeated each year. Contact persons at the parish level are:
1. Sharon Petersen : 082 491 3962: email:petersensr@hotmail.com
2. Debbie Daniels: 083 558 5219: email:debbie.dan28@gmail.com
The Archdiocesan Child Safeguarding Policy, promulgated in October 2015 seeks to support this celebration of life and to guide us in our interactions with the children and youth entrusted to our care.
This Policy states that: Each child shall be cherished and affirmed as a gift from God with an inherent right to dignity of life and bodily integrity which shall be respected, nurtured and protected by all.
The Archdiocese is committed to safeguarding all children who interact with the Church; Should you wish to read the full policy you can access it on the Archdiocesan website at http://adct.org.za/child-safeguarding-policy-resources/. Contact persons at the archdiocese level are: Reporting to Archdiocesan Contact Persons
1. Jane Payne. Tel: 082 421 4618. Email: jane@homefromhome.org.za
2. Koleka Lubelwana. Tel: 082 887 7827. Email: kolekaj@gmail.com
3. Angela O’Brien. Tel: 079 151 7216. Email: angelamuspratt@gmail.com
Reporting to Civil Authorities
SAPS—FCS Cape Town: Telephone 021 4676001/02/62
Department of Social Development: 021 4837673
Childline Cape Town 0800055555