The role of the Altar server in the parish is to support our parish priest by offering assistance and serving at God’s Altar during mass celebrations
Altar servers support our priest at the altar by ensuring that religious implements(e.g. ciborium, chalice, etc.) are available to our priest during the Mass celebration. In this way parishioners are provided with a full experience of union with Jesus during the Mass celebration.
Servers minister at all weekend and special celebration masses. Roster schedules are sent out monthly to ensure there is always an altar server available during Saturday and Sunday Mass.
The only other requirement is a commitment to come to Mass 15 minutes earlier, in order to change into altar server cassocks.
If you would like to become an altar server, please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
To visit the housebound and sick. Arrange transport to Mass or to the Doctor or hospital.
The function of the group is to link between the parish and the parishioners that are housebound and alone. A member of the group will contact especially the elderly to check on them and see if they need assistance either to accompany them to the shop, doctor or require a lift to weekend mass. Some elderly parishioners who live on their own might enjoy a friendly visit which the Care group will also arrange.
You are required to have your own transport to be able to offer lifts and have patience to work with the elderly and housebound.
If you would like to become a member of the group please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
Catechist classes are designed to hand on the Catholic faith and good practices to the young.
We have a number of trained catechist who teach our children but we are always in need of catechists. Catechist teachers to teach once a week.
If you would like to instruct the young in the catholic faith please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The main function of the ministry is to assist the parish priest with the distribution of Holy Communion to the parishioners.
Ministers take communion to parishioners who are unable to attend mass due to illness.
The minister becomes the uniting link between the parish and the parishioner they visit and need to carry out their duty with dignity at all times.
New Ministers are assessed by the parish priest and undergo training and before they are commissioned.
The group meet on a Tuesday evening at 6:30pm, once every second month. If you would like to join the group please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
We have a beautiful Church and it is a privilege to arrange flowers in it. We welcome newcomers either men or ladies, who would like to join this group.
On the Sundays in ordinary time, one large arrangement, or several smaller ones, making up a large arrangement, are what is traditionally done in the Sanctuary on the right of the Altar when looking from the body of the Church.
On Feast days and for special celebrations, more arrangements are necessary.
The arrangement is usually done on a Friday or Saturday morning and it would be good if it can last two weeks, being watered in between.
If you would like to join this ministry, contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049
Fundraising is needed in order to support the maintenance of the Parish.
Our Main fundraising event is our annual Food Fair which is held in October/November.
Various Groups of the Parish volunteer to run a themed food stall and all proceeds go to the Parish for maintenance projects. We also have smaller functions during the year such as a Quiz Evening and Sunday Market.
Enthusiastic Parishioners who like working as a team to bring the community together are invited to join the group. Please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The group hosts all parish functions requested by the priest.
We buy chocolates for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
We also buy Easter eggs for the children at Easter.
We arrange a pancake evening for Shrove Tuesday and the Paschal meal dinner in holy week.
We are also available to host funeral teas.
We invite people who enjoy cooking, baking or who have great organisational skills and so not shy away from hard work to join our group. Approximately an hour a week. You are welcome to join us, please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The purpose of the group is to Co-ordinate all parish liturgies.
Members of the following groups: Welcomers and Collectors, Proclaimers of the Word, Altar servers, Music (pianist, organists and choirs) EMOHC, Sacristans and Flower arrangers, assist in the smooth running of the liturgies, especially at the weekend Masses.
The Children Liturgy group assist mainly at the Children’s Masses.
The group meets 3 times a year for seasonal liturgy planning meetings.
Please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The Men’s group is a Faith sharing group for men of our parish. They meet once a month on a Sunday and lead a session on rotation.
It is a special time where they come together as men to share scriptures and pray together. Usually, they have a volunteer who leads a particular session, by preparing a sharing from the scriptures, and towards the end, they take turns to pray for the petitions that would have been placed by the brothers.
Should you wish to joining the group please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
Christ The King Parish in Pinelands has for many years had an enthusiastic music ministry that enhances our worship.
Our musicians play at the weekends and on Feast Days and our choir leads us in singing. Over the weekend and on Special Feast Days.
Attending the Monday choir practices and participating in the Music Ministry of the Mass enhances our worship.
If you are interested in joining a choir, please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
One of the ways in which one can participate more fully in the liturgy, is by proclaiming (reading) the relevant lessons and psalms for the community.
This is not an onerous task. The necessary guidance is available for anyone who wishes to join this ministry with a yearly group meeting and a rotation of a roster.
If you feel drawn towards this particular Ministry and you wish to find out more please contact parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The role of Sacristan is very much that of a housekeeper such as St. Martha.
Duties include maintaining of the candles and altar cloths, washing, polishing caring for the Holy vessels and preparing the church for Sunday and weekday masses, Holy Week, weddings and funerals.
This rewarding ministry requires dedication and attention to detail. Assisting with the housekeeping of the Liturgical space of the Church.
Should you wish to become a Sacristan please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The role of the SVP is to assist the needy and help the poor.
SVP provides sandwiches on a weekly basis the underprivileged children at Maitland Garden Village Primary school during the school terms.
We collect clothing for “Help a Rural Child” that goes to the people on the farm at Goedgedacht, Factreton and the Sisters of Charity in Khayelitsha. We assist with Buckets of Love (the bucket consists of non-perishable groceries and luxuries) that is distributed to the needy throughout Cape Town.
We annually host a Christmas party for the children of Maitland Garden Village and provide them with toys received from the annual “Toy Run”. We also distribute toys to Eros School, St Joseph’s School in Montana and St Joseph’s pre-school in Langa. We assist the Prison Network by purchasing groceries for the parcels that they distribute to the prisoners’ families. We currently run a monthly soup/cooked meal kitchen in Factreton once a month on a Saturday morning.
We meet on the last Tuesday of the month for a monthly meeting.
Should you need assistance or wish to join SVP please contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
Our welcome ministry is to warmly welcome people as they arrive at the church for worship.
The Welcome ministers hand out the weekly bulletins and assistance when required.
These ministers also take up the offertory and may usher people to their seats when required.
The Collection ministers collect the Saturday and Sunday monetary donations.
Welcome and Collection ministers have a duty roster which is put out once every two months.
Attending Mass half and hour prior (when on duty) to welcome parishioners and hand our the bulletins. Attend Mass when on duty to take up the offertory and or collections.
If you are interested in any of these two ministries, please feel free to contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.
The Youth and Young Adults portfolio seeks to cater for the inclusion and spiritual welfare of;
· Youth (High School up to age 18)
· Young Adults (After school age 18 to 35)
We seek to build a group of connected young individuals who are serious about their faith journey, who are committed to building the institutional strength of the parish and who play an active role in parish community ministry.
We meet every second Sunday of the month after Mass. Should you wish to join the group contact the parish office via email pinecath@mweb.co.za or via telephone 021 531 7049.