Pastor Appointed

The parish priest continued to live in the cottage in the grounds of the hospital. On Thursday, a “housewives” Mass was celebrated in the parish church. At the weekend the church was used in the normal way. On other days, the church was opened and closed by a parishioner on his way to and from work. Mr McCoy did this until the Presbytery was ready.
This arrangement ended with the appointment of Fr. Anthony Seba. From 1963, the parish had a fulltime pastor and the hospital had a fulltime chaplain. The interior of the original Christ the King Church built in 1949.
0n 19th January 1986, Stephen G. Naidoo, CSsR, Archbishop of Cape Town, solemnly dedicated (consecrated) the church and the altar to the honour and glory of God under the title of Christ the King. Relics of St. Charbel Makhlouf and St. Francis Xavier were placed in the altar